Saturday, November 10, 2012

Guest Blog #1

Yes, I do realize that it has been many, MANY months since my last post. I would like to tell you it is simply because I have been busy prioritizing. But, let the truth be told, I am STILL a chronic procrastinator. The important thing is that I have not, nor will I ever, give up my quest for the cure.

I have enlisted some fellow procrastinators to share their stories as they embark on the daily journey to overcoming  the, "Starting Monday Disorder".  My first guest blogger is my Aunt Kai, she is a busy mother of four who is trying desperately to conquer SMD.

"I am one of Chante’s greatest fans. I think she and everything she does is fabulous so I was thrilled when I saw that she had started a blog called “Starting Monday.” As I read her posts, I enjoyed her humor and experiences and insights.

But I’m more than just an enthusiastic fan. I am also Chante’s aunt. When Chante first started this new venture, I immediately recognized the disorder she was describing because it is something I too suffer from. (In fact, I harbor the secret fear that she inherited it from me – we being related and all.) I can’t tell you how many times I’ve prepared a Relief Society or Sunday School or Primary lesson on Sunday morning. Or, how often I’ve scrambled to complete a project the night before I had promised to have it done. And that’s not even talking about the millions of Monday mornings that have come and gone without the promised diet/exercise regime/scripture reading/scheduled house cleaning/organizational plan taking place. I’m sure you can see why Chante’s blog would be of interest to me.

So, the other day as I was doing something I knew that I really shouldn’t be doing instead of doing something I knew I should be doing . . . . oh, fine! I might as well just confess! I was taking a nap! Okay? I was taking a nap when I knew I should be doing something more productive! (Sorry about the little rant. I also suffer from OAGC – over active guilt complex). So, anyhoo, as I snuggled down into my blanket I thought drowsily, “I really shouldn’t be taking a nap . . . . But I’ve been so tired lately . . . . I’m probably tired all the time because I’m out of shape . . . . If I exercised, I probably wouldn’t be tired all the time. . . . Instead of napping, I should get up and exercise . . . . But I really don’t want to exercise, I want to nap . . . . I really need to start exercising . . . . I know it would help me feel better . . . . But I’m really too tired today . . . . I’ll start Monday.”

With that last thought, Chante and her blog popped into my head and realized that I hadn’t seen a posting in a while. “Oh dear,” I mused, “maybe she is suffering from a flare-up of her procrastination disorder. It’s probably really hard to maintain a regular blog.” I drifted a little then this great idea came to me, “What she should do is occasionally ask guest bloggers to contribute! Then she wouldn’t feel so much pressure.” Probably nothing but the prospect of helping my niece could extract me from my warm blanket so I roused myself and grabbed my cell phone in order to text this idea to her. After a few moments she texted back, “You know what’s funny? I had the exact idea several months ago … I think I asked the wrong procrastinators to write. With that said, I would love for you to start us off with a post!”

Well, I guess I should have seen THAT one coming!

But, being the supportive aunt/fan that I am, I cannot let Chante down so I’ve written this little guest blog. I have no advice or counsel or tips or encouragement to give - I suffer too deeply from the syndrome myself. I would, on the other hand, LOVE to hear advice, council, tips, and encouragement from you readers. As you can see from what I’ve written, I could really use the help!"