Friday, May 4, 2012

Have I done any good?

“Every day you have the opportunity to learn and experience some-thing and some-one new. Seize the opportunity. Learn and experience everything you can, and use it to change the world.”
-Rodney Williams

If your life is anything like mine, you may feel like you are the star of a one woman circus. There are days when I feel like I am walking the tightrope, while juggling 117 (give or take) balls, swinging on a trapeze, jumping through hoops of fire and being the pooper scooper of an elephant ALL while trying to smile, stay calm and look pretty!!! Honestly, how is a person supposed to get everything done with out slipping off the tightrope, and falling hopelessly to the ground? To avoid that painful fall we, naturally, have to pick and choose what we can juggle in a day. Some days I can handle more than others. Nevertheless, there is ALWAYS something that simply has to wait. Choices, choices, choices... oh, how I despise making decisions! I suppose if it were choosing between a day at the spa and cleaning out the refrigerator it would be simple. However, my choices are never that clear cut.
Today, as I sat trying to plan out my hectic weekend full of rehearsals, new choreography, family gatherings, Dr. appointments, chores, meetings and more, I started feeling a bit overwhelmed. I thought I had better email myself my new to do list while I still had it in my mind. When I opened my email, there was a message from a name I did not recognize. I hesitated before opening the email, and was relieved and a bit surprised to find a beautiful message from a woman who had also recently lost a child. Her words were touching and full of love and comfort. Suddenly, my to do list seemed so unimportant now. How I desperately had needed to hear her words of encouragement. Following that email was, yet, another message. This message was telling me I had a new comment on my blog. I logged on to find that there was another women who had also lost her son. She too wrote a sweet and uplifting message. I have never met these woman in my life. Yet, somehow they fit ME into their list of things to do. These are mothers, who I am sure are walking a tightrope of their own, and somehow they made a little bit of time to give to someone else. My heart is overflowing with gratitude right now. For some reason those two woman made my day at the circus seem a little bit less overwhelming. Maybe they didn't take any of my juggling balls or scoop up my elephant's poop, but their kind words helped me to feel more capable of facing my balancing act.

*Discovery #1
There is one thing that should NEVER wait until Monday, and that is taking the time to give a little bit of ourselves to those around us. A smile, a hug, an "I love you", or maybe even a few kind words to someone in need. We should ALWAYS find the time in our busy schedules to lift, help or serve another. This is where we will find happiness, joy and most importantly-- sanity.

Discovery #2: Often times it is the smallest acts of kindess that mean the very most.

"Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need? Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad? If not, I have failed indeed..."
-Will L. Thompson

1 comment:

  1. I sure love reading this blog!!! It has such great truth delivered in a wonderful "Chante" way!! Like a breath of fresh air! LOVE YOU!!
